The Rice Examiner is an academic journal that seeks to engage students in social science research, foster interdisciplinary communication, and provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their respective fields of study through writing, editing and publishing works of social analysis.
We seek to provide two much needed services to students at Rice University. First, a medium by which authors can submit, share, and publish their works to be read by fellow students or other organizations and employers. Second, a unified form by which students in any department can engage with others who share their interests and passions. We believe that the Rice Examiner will accomplish these two goals, first by alerting social science majors, and those majoring in other schools to the work done by students in Anthropology, Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and Linguistics, and second by providing a foundation by which new organizations can form around shared ideas.
The Rice Examiner will be a completely different type of publication and fill the need for a source of social science communication on campus. We are also a community. Our organization acts as a bridge between the disciplines at Rice that deal with social examination. In this role, we will work towards setting up events such as forums, mixers, and lectures with students and professors in attendance.
We hope to reignite a passion for social analysis on campus; our avenues of communication are how we plan to do so.